I’m so glad you’re here!

Welcome to my new website and very first blog post.

I’m so glad you’re here! I created this website after my personal and business social media pages were compromised on May 17, 2024. After a week of battling, I was locked out of my business Facebook indefinitely. I’m not gonna lie - it was devastating. I built up over 1000 supportive followers for my business page and was an admin on five other pages. After canceling bank cards used for online ads, saving many photos, and having a bit of a pity party, I decided to move onward and upward. It was a tough lesson in “putting all my eggs in one basket”. I wanted to figure out a way to continue sharing stories from our homestead, products from the kitchen and sewing room, fresh produce from the gardens, and my chickens so I decided to start a website.

I used to advertise my products on Facebook, so I’m trying to pivot to other sales avenues that make sense for the products I offer and my time available. Legally, I cannot ship my cottage foods (and shipping tomato plants and eggs does not sounds fun) so I’m not sure if I’ll add a shopping option to the website, but I will definitely share available products and upcoming events on this site. I’m a proud member of Minnesota Grown so I’m adding to my information on that page and you can also find my business on the Farm Direct, Minnesota map.

As I plan and dream after my social media misfortune, I’m excited about the possibilities. I plan to focus my efforts on building a CSA, opening a small farm store, building a customer email list that offers “first dibs” of my pop-up homestead boxes, and being more strategic about events I attend. I am a fan of the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation movie so who knows, maybe I’ll start a Jelly of the Month club! Who wouldn’t love that sweet subscription?

You can learn more about my business by visiting the About page and subscribe to my blog by completing the form on my Contact page. I’m still learning how to build pages so this website is definitely a work in progress. Feedback welcome. Here’s to pivots and new possibilities!

Heather Mahoney


June flew by!